Dynamic Website Design

IT'S A FACT.Humans process images 60,000 times faster than words.

How you LOOK is just as im­por­tant as how you SOUND – par­tic­u­larly in the dig­i­tal world. Nearly 80% of the con­tent we get from the In­ter­net and so­cial me­dia chan­nels has a vi­sual com­po­nent to it.

At Pan­ther Mar­ket­ing we can cre­ate a web­site for you that cap­tures the style, the feel and the cul­ture of your com­pany. We pre­sent your in­for­ma­tion in a com­pelling and en­gag­ing way. That helps you tell your story – and sell your prod­uct or ser­vice — most ef­fec­tively.

While we do have a great flair for de­signWe also make sure we keep the fun­da­men­tals in mind when we build your site. Here’s how we do it:

– We build web­sites from the bot­tom up to in­sure quick load­ing speeds, full func­tion­al­ity and a pleas­ant user ex­pe­ri­ence. We “pre-op­ti­mize” your web­site to achieve top rank re­sults on the ma­jor search en­gines.
– We help you de­ter­mine the best key­words to use in your site, for­mat your pic­tures and videos cor­rectly and cre­ate links that help re­in­force op­ti­mal search re­sults.
– We build re­spon­sive web­sites that work with mo­bile de­vices, as well as desk­top and lap­top com­put­ers to en­sure that your au­di­ence gets the best user ex­pe­ri­ence pos­si­ble… wher­ever they are view­ing your web­site from.
– We work within your bud­get.
– We cre­ate orig­i­nal con­tent and choose graph­ics that are di­rectly rel­e­vant to your clien­tele and that re­flect well upon your com­pany.
– We in­te­grate mo­tion and video into your site to help ed­u­cate, en­gage and con­vert vis­i­tors to your site into cus­tomers.
– We make your site work with ma­jor so­cial me­dia chan­nels to ex­tend your reach and am­plify your com­pany’s voice.
– We pro­vide full re­port­ing and sup­port to make sure your site per­forms to its high­est ca­pa­bil­i­ties.

Please browse our website portfolio below:

Celebrity Greens

Celebrity Greens came to Panther Marketing to plan and execute a complete corporate branding plan for this new startup company. They wanted to attract an elite clientele and appeal to the high-end and celebrity client base that Celebrity Greens needed to appeal to. Panther first established the brand identity for the new company. Next we focused on the website, which needed to be highly functional at converting viewers, as well as maintain a beautiful and elegant look and feel which would contribute to the brand’s unique clientele. Celebrity Greens also relied on Panther to lend it’s expertise to establish a social media and digital marketing presence.

Roenick Life: NHL Legend Jeremy Roenick

NHL legend, Jeremy Roenick, contracted Panther Marketing, Inc. to re-brand his website. Roenick is a highly recognized former professional hockey player and current TV personality. He is known for his outspoken, edgy style and his sharp wit and humor. His website needed to reflect these personality traits, as well as convey a large amount of ever-changing content, making it easily accessible to his fans on a variety of desktop, personal and mobile devices.

One of Jeremy’s primary focuses is his dedication to interaction with his fans through social media, so our approach included showcasing his large social media presence.

Legacy Turf

Legacy Turf came to Panther Marketing as an established business who needed a facelift to their website and branding. They wanted to showcase their expertise in the synthetic turf industry and to appeal to their high-end, golf-focused clientelle in their Texas market. Panther modernized their website visually, and structurally so it would grow in its SEO ranking. The results have been phenomenal for Legacy Turf, and they have a much-improved lead generating website.

Go to Legacy Turf: TurfAustin.com